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Privacy Policy

The purpose of this privacy policy is to disclose what information we may collect, how we may collect it, and with whom we may share it. As well as certain other matters related to such information, including the choices you have regarding our collection of information and our use and disclosure to other parties of information we may have collected from you. The website located at (the "website") is operated by OSL Guide, LLC (hereinafter referred to as “Outside Lands”). This privacy policy describes Outside Lands’ current policies and practices with regard to Personal Data collected by Outside Lands through the website. This privacy policy is independent from Outside Lands' offline Personal Data collection practices.

The term "Personal Data" refers to personally identifiable information about you, such as your name, birth date, e-mail address or mailing address, and any other information that is identified with you personally.

The information we collect about you helps facilitate commercial transactions and seeks to provide you with a more personalized experience. We have created this privacy policy statement to demonstrate our commitment to protecting the privacy of all of our customers and visitors. Accordingly, this privacy policy statement discloses the information-gathering and dissemination practices and policies of Outside Lands.


Outside Lands is continually improving and adding new functionality and features to its website and improving and adding to our existing products, services, and programs. Because of these ongoing changes, changes in the law, and the changing nature of technology, Outside Lands’ data practices will change from time to time. If and when our data practices change, Outside Lands will post the changes on the website to notify you of the changes. We encourage you to check this page frequently. This policy was last updated on April 9, 2024.


Other than cookies and/or click-stream data as described below, the only Personal Data Outside Lands currently collects through its website is the information you voluntarily give us when you use our website.

For example, you may use this website to contact Outside Lands with questions and comments. When you fill out a form on the website, you may provide your name and other contact information, including your company's name, your e-mail address, and your mailing address or the mailing address of your company or other personal information. If you do not wish to fill out all of the information on the form you are not required to do so. You are providing any and all such information voluntarily. Most of our registration forms require only your name and e-mail address. When you submit information to us through the website, you will receive a confirmation e-mail if you enter a valid e-mail address. When you use our Website to search for information concerning the Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival, you are not providing us with any personal information. We offer the search features as a service to you.


Other than cookies and/or click-stream data as described below, the only Personal Data Outside Lands currently collects through its website is the information you voluntarily give us when you use our website.

For example, you may use this website to contact Outside Lands with questions and comments. When you fill out a form on the website, you may provide your name and other contact information, including your company's name, your e-mail address, and your mailing address or the mailing address of your company or other personal information. If you do not wish to fill out all of the information on the form you are not required to do so. You are providing any and all such information voluntarily. Most of our registration forms require only your name and e-mail address. When you submit information to us through the website, you will receive a confirmation e-mail if you enter a valid e-mail address. When you use our website to search for information concerning the Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival, you are not providing us with any personal information. We offer the search features as a service to you.


If you order any information from our website, buy any of our products or subscribe for any of the services offered on our website, we will ask you to complete an order form that will request certain information from you, including financial information such as a credit card number and expiration date and general contact, billing and shipping information. We will use this information to complete the transaction that you have requested, i.e., to deliver the information, products or other services that you order, and to invoice you. Such information is collected and stored through encrypted means for your protection.


Outside Lands uses the Personal Data information you provide to answer your question or resolve your problem. Outside Lands and our affiliates also use this information to help us improve the content and functionality of our website, to better understand our customers and markets, and to improve our products and services. Outside Lands and our affiliates may use this information to contact you in the future to tell you about products or services we believe will be of interest to you. If we do so, each communication we send you will contain instructions permitting you to "unsubscribe' from receiving future communications.

Similarly, we may provide "subscription" e-mail services, either directly or through affiliates, which enable you to receive current news and updates about the Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival. For all such services, we will provide an opportunity to "unsubscribe" from, or cancel, the subscription.


It is possible for you to use much of our website without giving us any personally identifiable information. When you do register with us or give us personally identifiable information, you will have an opportunity at the time we collect your information to limit e-mail communications from Outside Lands and from our third-party partners. You can request at any time that Outside Lands not send future e-mail to you either by unsubscribing from the communication or by contacting us at Also, as mentioned above, there are ways to limit the information collected through technology — though some of our features won’t work if you decide to do this.


In addition to the information you provide when you use, Outside Lands uses technology to collect anonymous information about the use of our website. For example, we use technology to track how many visitors access our website, the date and time of their visit, the length of their stay, and which pages they view. We also use technology to determine which web browsers our visitors use and the address from which they accessed our sites (for example, if they connected to the website by clicking on a banner ad).

This technology does not identify you personally. It simply enables the compilation of statistics about our visitors and their use of the website. Outside Lands and our affiliates use this anonymous data and share it with third parties to improve the content and functionality of our website, to better understand customers and markets, and to improve products and services.


"Cookies" are small data files that are transferred to your computer when you allow your browser to accept cookies. Cookies automatically identify your Web browser to the website whenever you visit the website, and make using the website easier for you by saving your passwords, purchases, and preferences. By tracking how and when you use the website, cookies help us determine which areas are popular and which are not. Many improvements and updates to the website are based on data obtained from cookies. Accepting cookies allows you, among other things, to personalize your experience on the website. Cookies may also allow the website to present to you advertising which may be of interest to you. If you do not want information collected through the use of cookies, you generally can opt out of providing this information by turning the cookies off in your browser; however, some areas of the website may not provide you with a personalized experience if you have disabled the use of cookies.


There may be a collection of IP addresses and/or click-stream data for purposes of system administration and to report aggregate information to our advertisers and sponsors. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you access the Internet. Our computers identify your computer by its IP address. When you request Web pages from the website, our computers log your IP address. Click-stream data is information collected by our computers when you request Web pages from the website. Click-stream data may include such information as the page served, the time, the source of the request, the type of browser making the request, the preceding page view and other such non-personal information. When analyzed, this data helps us analyze how visitors arrive at the website, what type of content is most popular, what type of visitors in the aggregate are interested in particular kinds of content and advertising, and the like.


Outside Lands may share some or all of the Personal Data collected through the website with our affiliates, who use this data in accordance with this privacy policy. Information we collect may be accessed by a variety of parties, depending upon the project for which the information was originally collected, the terms of that engagement, and the policies into or out of which the consumer has opted. From time to time, we may send you offers from Outside Lands, its affiliated properties, and our promotional partners based on the information you have provided us. In addition, we may provide information we collect about you with third party companies regarding promotions, sweepstakes and other opportunities and/or offers. These third parties are subject to stringent data security and confidentiality requirements.

OSL Guide, LLC - Outside Lands Attention: Internet Privacy Policy 1815 Fourth Street, Suite "C", Berkeley, CA 94710 United States of America

Your request must include your name, email address, mailing address and must be signed. (Signature only required for written request sent by regular mail). Please allow six weeks to process your request. After your request has been fulfilled, disclosures will only be made in the limited circumstance in which Outside Lands or our affiliates must share or transfer the Personal Data in our databases, to comply with a legal requirement, for the administration of justice, to protect your vital interests, or in the event of a corporate sale, merger, reorganization, dissolution, or similar event.

While no method of data transmission is guaranteed against unlawful third party interception or other misuse, Outside Lands uses commercially reasonable efforts to ensure protection of your data including industry-standard encryption and offline security methods in our physical facilities.


We may collect certain geolocation information on your use for the Services, based on the location of the device you use for the Services, with your consent.

Geolocation Information. Geolocation information we collect may be used by Outside Lands to help us improve our products and services. This information may also be shared with some of our service providers on a non-personally identifying basis, including for the purposes of improving the safety and experience of users at the Event.

PUBLIC FORUMS may make chat rooms, forums, message boards, and/or news groups (collectively, "Public Areas") available to its users. Please remember that any information that is posted to and/or disclosed in these Public Areas becomes public information. Accordingly, you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information in any Public Areas. By posting in the Public Areas you grant Outside Lands, and all of its related, affiliated, parent and subsidiary entities, and all of the officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents, and representatives of the foregoing, a license to use the materials you post to the website or any related service. By posting, downloading, displaying, performing, transmitting, or otherwise distributing information or other content (“User Content”) to the website or related service, you are granting Outside Lands, its related, affiliated, parent and subsidiary entities, and all of the officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents, and representatives of the foregoing, a license to use User Content, including without limitation, a right to copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, edit, translate, compile, analyze and reformat User Content. You will not be compensated for any User Content. You agree that Outside Lands may publish or otherwise disclose your name in connection with your User Content. By posting User Content on the website or any related service, you warrant and represent that you own the rights to the User Content or are otherwise authorized to post, distribute, display, perform, transmit, or otherwise distribute such User Content.


This privacy policy applies only to Outside Lands’ website at Outside Lands and our affiliates operate other websites for different purposes and in different countries where different laws may apply. If you visit any Outside Lands website, including, please take a moment to review the privacy policy posted on that site to learn what Personal Data may be collected through that website and how it is processed.

Outside Lands’ websites contain hyperlinks to websites that are not operated by Outside Lands or our affiliates. These hyperlinks are provided for your reference and convenience only and do not imply any endorsement of the activities of these third-party websites or any association with their operators. Outside Lands does not control these websites and is not responsible for their data practices. We urge you to review the privacy policy posted on any website you visit before using the website or providing any Personal Data about yourself.


Outside Lands does not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under the age of thirteen. If you are under thirteen, please do not transmit any Personal Data. If you have reason to believe that a child has provided Personal Data to Outside Lands, please contact us, and we will try to delete that information from our databases.


This privacy policy forms part of our website Terms and Conditions and as such shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California.


Again, if you have any questions about this privacy policy or concerns about the way Outside Lands processes your Personal Data, please contact us at

© 2024 Outside Lands. All rights reserved