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Waste Diversion


We created close to 375,000 pounds of waste last year, but we diverted 87% of that waste through composting, recycling and reusing. Each year we work alongside Clean Vibes and the San Francisco Department of the Environment to achieve the highest possible diversion rates. All of the single-use cups, plates, bowls, and utensils are 100% compostable at Outside Lands thanks to our sustainability partner Eco-Products. Please make sure to put them in the proper green bin marked “compost.” You can also look for our Clean Vibes Trash Talkers® who will help point you in the right direction.

Outside Lands houses an area on the festival grounds that provides an educational forum for sustainability and social consciousness, showcasing local community organizations. The festival provides hydration stations throughout the park for filling your reusable drinking vessels. With the help of Clean Vibes, Outside Lands diverted 87% of all waste from the landfill in 2023.

Clean Vibes Outside Lands 2023 Waste Diversion

87% of all waste diverted from the landfill


117,040 pounds

58.52 tons


206,773 pounds

103.38 tons


49,940 pounds

24.97 tons

Total Waste Diverted
323,813 pounds

161.90 tons

Total Waste Produced
373,753 pounds

186.88 tons

Breakdown of Recycling Stream

Commingled Recycling to Recology

117,510 pounds

Wood to Recology

58,360 pounds

Used Cooking Oil to North Bay Restaurant Services

11,400 pounds (1,500 gallons)

Turf recycled with Certified Blue Recycling

9,940 pounds

Metal to Recology

4,120 pounds

Food Donated to Extra Food

3,570 pounds

Plastic Film to Superlink

1,713 pounds

Misc. Reuse / Repurpose / Recycle

160 pounds

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